

The Travel Simulator needs you! In this section you will get in touch with the people using and improving Travel Simulator everyday.

So you had a look at the documentation, played a bit with Travel Simulator or one of the modules and you feel like you can bring something to the project or you want to have more information about something, well you are in the right place!

If you have a question about something and you did not find a satisfactory answer in the documentation, check the forums, maybe someone ran across the same problem before. If not, post your question on it so you can ask the entire community at once.

Need Support ?

To submit a bug report or request a new feature, do not hesitate to post on the forum or fill the form available just here.

Start Your Own Development


Want the whole Travel Simulator or one of the modules? Everything is available on the GitHub project page. If you are not sure what you need to clone the documentation is here for you.

The source code is hosted on Github. Just fork the metasim repository or only the needed components and you are ready to contribute to the Airline market Simulator.

When you are finished with your work, let us now by opening a pull request. We will merge your local modifications with the source code.

If you are willing to be involved a step further, let us know so that we can grant you access to the repo owned by the AirSim organization!